What are QR Codes?

A QR code (short for Quick Response) is a two-dimensional barcode that stores information readable by mobile devices. They can store (and digitally present) data, including url links, links to videos, geo coordinates, or just text. It looks like this:

How does a smartphone read the QR code?

In order to work, a smartphone needs a QR code reader app. This reader app basically uses the smartphone’s camera to record the image, analyze the code, and send the user directly to the content encoded in the QR code (e.g. a URL).

How are museums, cities and sites using QR codes?

In the museum world QR codes are widely used to identify sites and to send the user to a specific page on a website without ever having to type the URL. Each site or object can have its own QR code. The visitor can point their device to the QR code and can access audio, video or text to learn more about the particular site.

It’s common practice for places who offer web-based tours to print out QR codes together with some information that a smartphone tour is available and place this information at the sales counter.

How do you get a QR code?

You can easily generate a QR code using a site like http://invx.com/. Simply type in your web url and the code will automatically be generated for you.

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